Ralph McBryan
LD-ACE Graduate

We will
never stop learning, sharing and growing.
Ralph McBryan, LD-ACE graduate, is a Traditional Storyteller
& Knowledge Keeper of Shuswap/Okanagan ancestry. Ralph has a wealth of
experience storytelling in the community and has spoken at the Shuswap Elders
Gathering. Ralph’s business, Captikwt, brings the distant past to life through
stories and knowledge and is focused on creating a greater awareness between
cultures to bridge a gap in the world today.
Ralph explains that Captikwt “has had a lot of contributors and
supporters throughout his life’s journey.” Ralph describes that his
contributors and supporters include Elders, Ancestors, long-lived pets and his
wife, Peggy McBryan, also a graduate of the most recent LD-ACE Cohort. Ralph
explains that his “little dog passed away the other day, and [he] was fortunate
enough to be able to be there with him when he passed on. Animals are very
miraculous beings; they’re not afraid to go out by themselves to go and be
outside, unlike us people. We’re afraid of what lies beyond.”
As a Storyteller, Ralph explains that some of his stories “are
lesson-based, some of them are territorial markers and some are just for
entertainment value.” He further explains that his “Storytelling and Knowledge
Keeping is a lifetime of knowledge gathering, and that is what [he’s] bringing
to the table” with his business Captikwt.
Captikwt is the Okanagan word for stories and legends, and Ralph
chose Captikwt “because it is the easier word to say than stseptékwll, which in
Shuswap means the same thing.” Ralph describes that through founding Captikwt,
he is passionate about bringing cultural sensitivity and awareness to current
and future generations achieved through “bringing the distant past to life in
you.” By bringing the distant past to others, Ralph is working bridge a gap
between cultures. “Cultural ignorance cannot be tolerated any longer.”
Ralph explains that his uncle, whom he loved, “was taken away at
a very young age to residential school, where he was subjected to many
cruelties and denied basic human compassion. He was also deprived in many other
ways compassion, love, things that help us all grow, and also alcoholism took
its toll on my uncle. He turned to a limited life of crime. Part of what
happened was, through cultural misunderstanding, things happened where he got
into trouble with the law.”
“He ended up doing prison time but my people have a very hard time sustaining prolonged eye contact This is part of our cultural upbringing. The only time we really sustain eye contact is when we’re trying to assert our authority, challenging your word. One of the misconceptions is that it makes my people look shifty-eyed, untrustworthy, and some of us even imply we’re liars. This is what happened to my uncle,” Ralph explains.
“What if I explained a different story, and explained through cultural understanding, greater awareness that my uncle was being extremely, extremely respectful by not challenging your words, by not challenging your authority.”
Ralph explains, “[if] there was cultural understanding at the
beginning, [then] that is what has to happen: cultural understanding.”
In addition to focusing on creating a greater awareness of
cultural understanding through Storytelling, Ralph also describes that through
Captikwt, he is working to fulfill a duty his family members have charged him
with. “We all have historical knowledge that has been glossed over. My family
members have charged my generation and the generations that were just ahead of
me with the job of remembering.”
Some of this historical knowledge Ralph is charged with remembering is how as Sir Rogers traveled through the Rogers Pass, he was led by his guide who is Ralph’s ancestor. Ralph explains “being able to tell the story of how my people met Sir Rogers through the Rogers Pass and how we exited out into Eagle Valley along the Eagle Pass.”
That was my responsibility, to remember all of those events,
to remember our legends.
“There was a day within their proceeding where my ancestor had
to leave Sir Rogers behind and told them, ‘you have to stay right here so I can
find you later,” Ralph explains. However, they wandered off and “it took an
extra day for my ancestor to find them, take them back to the trail and lead
them the rest of the way through,” Ralph describes. “That was my
responsibility, to remember all of those events, to remember our legends.”
Through Captikwt, Ralph is focused on sharing his knowledge with
others. Ralph describes that he is focused on concentrating “on young people
and work within the professional world,” to build understanding. Ralph explains,
“[h]ow valuable it is – the resource that is out there.” Ralph is also focused
on working to support community members through Captikwt, as he “believe[s]
that with the proper care and love, that [he] can facilitate or help to bring
these people back to mainstream society if that’s what they want.”
Ralph plans to travel to communities to share his knowledge and
also interview other Storytellers and Knowledge Keepers as he works to build a
resource book of available Storytellers and Knowledge Keepers available to
members of the community and work to create archives to preserve knowledge from
Storytellers and Knowledge Keepers.
Ralph explains that he believes “in the integrity of our
knowledge and the telling of our stories.” He describes that he “will never
stop learning, sharing and growing.” We at ACE are excited to see what the
future holds for Captikwt and are grateful for the opportunity to work with and
learn from Ralph during his entrepreneurial journey.